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Do you have little time and need support on specific financial or strategic issues?

Let us advise you professionally to help you achieve your goals, solving management and business problems, optimizing the use of resources, launching new actions and developing your management skills.



By hiring DELTAPRO you access a highly trained team that will provide new perspectives to your company and facilitate the fulfillment of your corporate goals.  we become your financial support. You will save time and money through us with a team of financiers with extensive experience at your service.

The finances of your company do not have to be a nightmare. Understand your numbers. Make informed decisions.

We read and interpret the numbers of your company to translate them into opportunities for growth or improvement that will help you to be much more competitive in your sector and to take advantage of opportunities that your competition cannot even imagine.

With DeltaPro as your ally in financial outsourcing, you will come to understand your company and project it as a leader in your industry.


Financial Enlistment
We prepare your project or enterprise to receive investment or debt, making the projections, valuation, pitch and, finally, how to meet with investors.


Structuring / Feasibility of Projects 
We help you understand if a given project is profitable, viable and its respective need for financing.

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Financial Diagnosis
  we help you to understand in a complete and integral way, through a  detailed analysis, the financial health of your company. 

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Due diligence 
  We investigate and collect information required by the potential buyer or investor of a company, to determine the real risks that the company has and analyze the reality of its economic and financial situation.

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Business plan 
Do you have an idea of a company or project that you want to make a reality? We define in detail the starting point and the strategic roadmap to achieve it.

Financial Tools
We help you develop or improve financial tools that can give you a clearer idea of the situation of your company in order to facilitate decision making.

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Feasibility plan and diagnosis of the company, for its sanitation and/or refloating.


Preparation and administration of the treasury management system. Making short and long term cash forecasts.


Management of financial variables: treasury management, credit management, collection management.


Supervision of the relationship with third parties: external auditors, administrations, external advisors.


Selection, training and development of their teams.


Analysis and management of profitability / contribution margin (by products, customers, lines of business.)


Strategic cost reduction plan


Financial diagnosis of the company for the proposal of improvement measures.


Budgets and budget control management, as well as Management Control Supervision: definition of procedures, design of budget processes.


Optimization of the company's tax policy.

Studies of feasibility reports of investments / projects, strategic reorientations.

Support to the relationship with banks and supervise banking operations as Management Staff. Keeping track of the bank pool.


Development of Business Plan and strategy to follow in the future.


Implementation of strategic control systems for the management of companies, through measurement criteria (Indicators), for their subsequent monitoring.

Do not pay more for this service with other companies!
Our extensive experience and standardized processes allow us to give you an excellent price and tailored tools to boost your company.

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